April 29, 2007

the very start

this is an example of the very start but from a distance

being in the air

this is a reconfigured unfinshed drawing from another day for now it is called being in the air as there is not another available name but its not entirely finished so the name is only temporary in fact actually most names are temporary anyway so its not that important really in fact new names can get made up all the time when its finished then perhaps it will get a more permanent name but that could take a while or it might not

the paper mache iWisa experiment

April 22, 2007

the always man in the red chair in Regents park

the pigeons in Regents park

this picture doesnt show the running paths that got drawn with the pigeon, which is just an example. Also its an imagined pigeon, as pigeons dont have teeth. Its an idea for a film or a story, maybe.

April 15, 2007

the picture for today

this is the picture that got finished (I think) today. It doesnt have a name yet and its from a lot of different stuff, and its very just made, so its not possible to explain as it is resting now.

Tony and tomorrow's bill

April 2, 2007

the burka and/or burqa

the starting.
ideas breed. some of them. in a way. they come from other unexpected things as well as our socio-economic-cultural environments (the ecomic bit and the inbetween lines are added because it makes it a more acceptable phrase, that sounds altogether more thought about)
but its the little bit, just as you reach the idea thats important. like when you strike a match and it sizzles and you never know if it will work or not and you may or may not have to try again. thats why matchboxes have more matches than a box of cigarets has cigarets.

April 1, 2007

the theme of

this is also about something to do with the continuation of the scavenger except it might not be a scavenger thing as such, its still in transition at the moment

the scavenger