September 25, 2013

Running Diary Update 24 September

Here is an update on our running, since Thursday the 19th of September.
We’ve been running quite consistently, still in Babacino amounts, but we have gone to some new places too!
And Babacino is following voices and sounds now, moving his head to follow and connect, as long as everyone is not talking at the same time!
Babacino is turning out to be quite useful as an excercise buddy. Normally, if I can, I do a few sets of step ups on the benches, just with me and Babacino in his chariot. I have discovered that doing step ups in reduced numbers but with 5.5kg of baby is a good option! Babacino loves it!! And Mauri has also developed a very sophisticated walk-jog involving squats & 5.5kgs of Babacino!

On Monday we didn't run. First we went to get a medical certificate from a sports doctor, for me. In Italy, to take part in races (ie competitive sport) you need to have an annual checkup to show you have no obvious conditions or anything to prevent you from safely taking part in races. The same goes for other sports. Now, I can run some little races! Mauri arranged this, and looked after Babacino while I had to ride a bike and have my heart rate tested. You can see a photo of Babacino’s feet on the glass door of the Doctor’s reception. That was Mauri and Babacino playing!!

Then we went to Altavilla to be in the country and make fires to get rid of the debri’s. And we picked a bowl full of ‘fichi d’India’s’ which are sort of prickly pears and grow on cactuses, in fact they grow wild all over the place and the fruit's are ripe for about 2 months around August – September. They are a mixture of quite bright colours with lots of juice and seeds. We found yellow, green, red, and orange ones! You pick them with a big metal pole which has an end piece the size of an average ‘fichi d’India’, and it looks like an egg cup. I couldn't get a photo this time, but next time! Me and Mauri ate ALL of the fichi d’India’s which we had found. Of course first you have to peel them carefully as they have thorns. When they are growing on the cactus ‘leaves’ they look like jewels.

On Tuesday at Villa Sperlinga, I went up to 10 laps!! Mauri has started doing some extra big laps taking in some streets, but less laps. Frida is having a grand time doing so much running! Nona Nica might meet us one day on a weekend in Villa Sperlinga, she loves Gabriel to bits! She is one of Mauri’s best friends and lives near by.

Today we had an extra special running day. We went to Mont Pelegrino and to the Sanctuary of Saint Rosalina. We parked the car in a spot and I ran up (with Frida) about 7 or 800 meters to a beautiful viewing point and then back down and back up, and a bit later, a bit more. Mauri also ran but he was daring and went off-road! For most of the time Babacino was having a lot of fun, but then he was a bit upset. We stopped for coffee and a change, followed by a quick wizz around the beautiful cave – where the pilgrims go. Saint Rosalina is the Saint of Palermo and she has a very interresting story. Mauri kindly and patiently looked after Babacino while I looked aruond the cave, and said a little prayer for my little sister in South Africa.

Then we came home and Franci, Babacino’s big brother, came for lunch! Pesto Risotto, made by The Chef of Tarling Street!! DEVINE

These photo's are all from today, except for the Medical Certificate which is added for interest, and Babacino's feet through the window!

September 21, 2013

The continuation of Running: The Start of Our Family Running Diary

This (below) is what is written on the hand writing picture above (with a few little changes). Normally, I always like to write by hand. I got this idea, originally from Julia Cameron who wrote the book 'Il senso dell'artista' / The Artist's Way and then I sort of turned that into blogging, sort of.

But perhaps now is a good time to start combining typing and writing, so maybe this is  kind of an experiment combining both! 

and the pictures are from our recent running jaunts!

Here is the start of our family running diary. It starts in Palermo at Villa Sperlinga just near our home.
Villa Sperlinga is a garden named after Sperlinga Villa originally owned by Giovanni Stefao Oneto and it was in his family until 1835 when the Senate of Palermo became the owner and used it as a home for the poor.
One lap of the garden is 420 meters and inside the garden are some great stone benches perfect for step ups and push ups, and there is shade and lots to look at for Babacino. Whoever is running takes Frida, usually.

On Saturdays there is a little market which sells wine, cheese, vegetables, fruit and other little delicacies. The other thing about Sperlinga is the dog walkers. The dog walkers seem to arrive in shifts in the morning and they seem to talk a lot, about what, I do not know!

Running during pregnancy seemed to engender much debate and triggers all sorts of willful – and often factually unfounded – views and opinions on the rights and wrongs of running during pregnancy. My way of handling that, was as I handle a lot of things (to do with running) - in ways I’ve learned from running : read a lot, be informed and listen to my body, and then don't worry!
I am sure, that keeping up running up to (almost) the arrival of Beetle  (Babacino) made for an ‘easier’ birth, and a more healthy baba and quicker recovery.

Now, it’s post pregnancy and I find the same sort of reactions or scenario’s about ‘Running whilst breastfeeding’ (though  to a lesser degree, partly because there is no obvious sign to the world that someone might be a runner and breastfeeding)  and so, I am running, we are running.

But of course, now, Babacino comes first, and so you can see from our diary, we are running step by step, little by little and making sure Babacino is ok!
Running in Palermo is fantastic, there are mountains in most directions, and you can find your way back to Via Lombardia by looking at the mountains!
Yesterday, for a change, we went to run in Villa Dell’Atleta, where there are all sorts of sports facilities and a lovely park right at the foot of Monte Pelegrino.
Some days, we don’t run, like today because Babacino had his injections and needed to be hugged and looked after even more.

My goal is to run The Etna Trail next year, but I hope to run some others before then. We shall see!!
(16-19 September)

September 9, 2013

The start of the birth story of Gabriel

here are some (not in order) pictures from the last 10 weeks and 2 days, since Gabriel got born.
You can see a lot more over here:
Photo Album of Gabriel: 28 June to 10 September 2013

A scricciolo!
A growing Beetle! 2 weeks and 5 days old

Us!! We rock!!  A picture for Papi / Mauri

Just after Babacino got born, this is Papi and Babacino saying hello!

And eventually, a British Passport for Gabriel!! Now we can go to Sicily to be a family!

September 1, 2013

The Babacino Changing Mat Interviews with Mauri Crispi 21-29 August

Gabriel Francis Luca Crispi has been born! He was born spot on 40 weeks, on the 28th of June at 21:28 at the Royal London.
Soon I will write and make things about Babacino, but for now,  here is a start!!

Now, click your heels 3 times!!

 The Babacino Changing Mat Interviews with Mauri Crispi (21-29 agosto 2013)