this is a poem i found for some reason, one of Margaret Atwood's poems of significance
and then this one, i thought of because its also about a burned house and then if you watch the interview with Tom, after the song, then some of it is also sort of about houses, when the guy interviewing him keeps asking him about the various places he's lived in like cars, motels, being born in a cab etc. I think i already wrote out this song before, so I'm not writing it out again because its clear from the listening to the song, which is also very comforting.
Then finally, Louise Bourgeois made a lot of things that are to do with houses or homes or places to be in. so for example the main one i can think of is her Cell Exhibition in 2007 in Tate Modern, which i cant really explain here, and its not so much to do with burning as to do with blood and various other things like fabrics and old collected things related to the cells and well quite a lot of things but here are two pictures, the spider one isnt from that exhibition, but its linked.
normally i dont like to put these kinds of pictures here but in this case i might even though my arm looks a bit funny. this is of Ivano who is italian and me. Aqua is water in Italian and poco poco is a little bit a little bit and piano piano is softly softly. (I remember 'piano' from music, and also 'fortisimo' which means loud and forceful, and then you get Allegro, which is sort of flowing or joined together, and various other words, Italian mostly interrestingly, used to explain how the music should be played. I never really considered when learning the flute after school at rosebank primary in jozi south africa that musical theory in fact relates very well to ultra running, so there you go. something matches.)
here is the calender mostly related to running, so far. the first one is now finished. the others are not.
then here we have some more calenders that i found which are probly a lot more interresting and they were made by Prophet Royal Robertson. this is one, but you can see a lot more on this site as well as drawings and other interresting things. click on 'the topic of calenders again'
Leuven is twinned with Stellenbosh in South Africa. Leuven is where they make beer and Stellenbosh is where they make wine, and they both revolve around universities sort of and Leuven is near to Brussels which is head of the EU and Stellenbosch is near to Cape Town which is one of the capital cities of SA but I cant do much more writing here now because i cant use my crayons on the internet, in this country, at the moment, and I dont like typing really.
this is about Leuven:
this is a program about Stellenbosch showing in the Netherlands
this is about Stellenbosh the place: