January 8, 2014

About Endings and Beginnings and Rituals, and Our Family

Tuesday 7 January 13: 

This kind of follows on from yesterday’s blog about my Mondello Run. The vague intention of that blog, at it’s start, was that it was meant to be a way of writing down, and thereby making more concrete, my New Years Resolutions. But, as it happened (as is the way of writing with hands) it sort of ended up delving into all sorts of sparkly toy boxes full of daimons and acorns and circles and synchronicity, and then there were the voices of hands and feet, and of course anything to do with resolutions, is ultimately going to be about us, Me Mauri and Babacino. So of course a blog about ‘a run’ is about a lot more besides!

As a result, I think I left it quite unfinished really, like a sort of a labyrinth in the middle of an exploration, and all leading to some sort of ending, but at the same time to a beginning. I think as soon as it was ‘written’, it started demanding more attention! And here we are again today!

Low and behold ( I do sometimes think Mauri has a sixth sense) Mauri had the grand idea of us going to Alta Villa today, with Tata too. Of course, my hands and feet jumped with glee!

Today would be the last time we would visit Alta Villa before we go back to London, in precisely one week. More ‘endings’ to make up the goodbye of this phase of our journey.

We love going to Alta Villa, I think it’s like Mauri’s canvas where he is for ever inventing things, fixing and making things and generally playing, and often making fires, creating some kind of order out of mild chaos (no offence but in Sicily, everything grows just like in Jack and the Beanstalk, especially cactus's, so you have to keep keep organising if you don’t want to be overgrown, like the story of the princess who fell asleep for a hundred years in her castle over grown by thorns, until a prince found her and free’d her and then her whole family also came alive again! ) and ALSO very often making the most yummiest of things to eat! 
For me I guess it’s just the epitome of what I love, it’s a home in the middle of nature, surrounded by mountains, and trees and space and sun and colour. I love being there with Mauri and Babacino. We are going to plant a tree for Babacino, we are finding the right one. 

Lately, on our visits to Alta Villa, me and Babacino have been making little sculptures and temporary ‘land art’ just for fun, from the things found on the land. The images are never intended to last, they’re just made for the moment, with no real agenda other than to just enjoy the senses and perhaps also, to listen to any messages we might get from our hands or from the land. I like the idea of Babacino being in the midst of creativity and nature and all those types of energy. It’s also a great environment for him to do his gazing at light refractions and shapes and touching all sorts of textures (with mummy’s beedy eye watching, of course!) 

In terms of our temporary land art creations, I must also say that I do admit to sometimes getting quite curious as to what may have transpired with these images, when we return some days later. (I like the idea of temporary art, as it kind of takes away the notion of ownership, or the feelings of protectiveness or possessiveness we - or at least I - can sometimes get about my makings. In fact its a whole topic, often explored by artists, think of street art, graffiti etc)
And, I love to re-use some of the pieces in new images, to see how they change and to see what may happen when a meaning or symbol is transformed. I think that’s part of finding the treasure in the organic-ness of the creative process.
here are some:

scroll down to see the picture of the Mandala, made at the time of the Olive Tree cutting

This one!

Ok, so about today’s sculpture. I wanted to make something 3D and a bit more solid or chunky, and also so that it could be like a kind of deity or little amulet (of a type). I wanted it to be something that could speak of protection and nurturing and guidance for us as a family, on the next phase of our journey. I felt this was really important in the processing of moving onto the next phase of our lives, definitely for me. But also for us as parents in Babacino’s life so far, given that he has now lived a full half year! And that half year (as well as the next to come) are probably two of the most important times of his life in terms of how his sense of self and his patterns of human attachment are formed.

As it turned out the creation was not something me or Babacino or Mauri could put in our pockets, but because we have the photo’s and the internet has invented blogs, then maybe it can be a kind of a virtual amulet! We shall see… you can’t MAKE something an amulet , it chooses to be so.. 
But also, I didn't have a lot of time, for the making. So it needed to be quite simple and intuitive and working with what the land had to give or lend us at that time.

My original idea was to create some figures out of all the chopped wood, which we have now after the olive tree cutting. I had this idea to create our family, and to fill the figures with treasures from the land, but very organically just seeing what happens. It’s wonderful making things from the land because you just walk around and suddenly things pop up and you choose them and they fit into the puzzle somehow or if not, they - or the idea at least - is saved for future pictures! Sometimes admittedly, it is hard to find something particularly specific to fit the puzzle. I think, at least in terms of my own process at the moment, that when that happens, it is primarily because it is my mind trying to impose something on my heart, maybe. Like out of some sense of duty or loyalty to ‘the norm’ or old internal repetitive messages. 

And so, for this sculpture (and in general actually) I think it’s better to let my hands decide on what to find, they are the direct link to my heart (just like feet in running, sort of, not the same, but sort of!) For me, it is better to intuit and feel the solution, rather than think it. Interesting… (maybe that’s sort of how the Olive Tree Cutters work ? Now that is something that continues to intrigue me. Maybe in my next life I will be an Olive Tree cutter, or a Tree Surgeon!)
On this blog post (and FB) there are 17 pictures (+4 of a daddy and a little boy in front of a fireplace!) which show how me and Babacino made the sculpture. But I’ll explain a little bit. 

First I started off with 3 nice solid wooden poles, and they represent me, Mauri and Babacino. I put them in a row standing up, with Babacino in the middle, so that he would be protected and held by us. I also like the feeling of the number 3 and of 3 objects connected, it has a calming peaceful sort of feel to it, in my world of feeling.

Then, I found some little baby pine cones, which I’d actually used in the Mandala which me and Babacino made at Altavilla one of the last times we were here. The pine cones had to act as stand-ins for acorns because we don’t have any at this time! I joined the poles together with half circles using the ‘acorns’. That links to what I was talking about yesterday about James Hillman’s myth about the acorn, and which he writes about in his book ‘The Soul’s Code’. Also importantly this intuitive process, or you could say need, is further explained, in a way in his concept of the Daimon, which is a Greek word and which is essentially our ''in-dwelling spirit''

The Soul's Code  
Hillmans books are written in Italian too!

From there, the 3 ‘poles’, and the ‘acorns’ it felt as if that wasn't really a strong enough bond between us, and that Babacino might not feel connected enough or safe enough. So I added some olive branches to Babacino, to wrap him up and protect him, and of course the olive branch is symbolic of peace, and that is a good attribute for us to aim for and for Babacino to feel in his life.

I also added a piece of rock that I found which has 3 layers of different type of rock, to ground him and ground our family. I often speak of mountains, and that they are a sort of a spiritual home for me, and so this rock is kind of symbolic of that, stones and rocks are mighty, we need them!

So things were looking good, Babacino was getting layers and protection, but then I felt as if me and Mauri needed something too, to compliment and guide Babacino, so the land gave us some gifts. 

I also decided the ‘figures’ for me and Mauri need to be interchangeable, because our roles need to be interchangeable and I like the idea of us being equal partners and sharing in all to do with the life of Babacino. I think Babacino will have a richer childhood for it, and certainly how we experience life will be that much more interesting! 

First I found some rosemary to wrap around the one pole. And very strong and beautiful and pungent rosemary it was. In the meaning and symbolism of herbs, rosemary is often described as symbolic of: remembrance, love, loyalty and fidelity. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia says, "There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance, pray you love, remember." Rosemary also reminds me of a warm homely kitchen full of family and creative food making. So I think that’s a good one for our sculpture.

Then on the other figure, I added a branch from an Almond Tree. I like the leaves of the tree, they’re quite delicate looking and soft, and the tree is like that too, although it seems very strong and supple, as I found out when I tried to break a small branch off! I added that because it reminds me of the ‘confetti’ (an Italian tradition, used most in major life events and celebrations) we had for Gabriel’s baptism. These were hand-made and given to us by Nona Nica and her friend, and, of course, there were almonds in the’ confetti’ with little lady birds. Baptisms are meant to serve as spiritual foundations to protect and grow a child, so I think the Almond tree branch has a good place in our sculpture.

By that stage the sculpture was feeling a lot more alive, but I felt it still needed something, perhaps a kind of environment and a bit more of a stronger message. So, we took some of the little pieces of ceramic that we had used in the Mandala and to make the Gabriel sign, and made three little circles, next to each of our family. That felt for me like a visual description or message of the ‘Axiom of Maria’ which I was explaining yesterday 
“One becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the one as the fourth” 
Finally, the very last addition, was to make a little TeePee in front of the figures. This I think is about grounding and a home. One of my New Years resolutions is for our family to be grounded and stable. So even though we’re in a bit of flux and there is a lot of change on the horizon, which is not yet entirely structured, we can still create a home and roots as a family where ever we may be. For me that is important, for Babacino to have that feeling strongly. I want him to feel secure and protected in this and in his place in the family.
Also the TP is made of wood, so it could also be a fireplace, to keep us all warm! (Mauri thought of that, I like that!)

As it happens, when I went to download the photos of my sculpture, I noticed that we had 4 pictures of Muari and Babacino in front of the fireplace in Altavilla. They are like a little story in their own of Mauri carefully and so caringly showing Babacino the fireplace and sitting him down in front of it to look at the flames, but holding him and keeping him safe. So maybe we need to remember to have a ‘fireplace’ in our family and to sit in front of it and watch the flames and just be!
“One becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the one as the fourth” 

And now, time for the pictures. They are all in order. No more words… except! : what this space for the next phase of our journey, this time in London!

January 7, 2014

My Sunday Run to Mondello Beach, and NEW New Years Resolutions

Today (6 Jan 14) was Sunday, with no planned jaunts and no jobs to do and no real agenda at all, and so a nice little run to Mondello, for me! (for the first time!) was on the cards. Another Mauri idea! We had originally thought about a centralised joining together for a mini jaunt - involving a car, a dog, a baby, a Papi and a Mummy, walking running and car-ing. But as it happened and with the weather, Mauri looked after Babacino and they did dancing and reading and playing and visiting Tata, and I ran to the beach and back! Mondello's beach lies between two cliffs called Mount Gallo, and Mount Pellegrino. (which is our family mountain by the way, just to mention!) King Ferdinand of Bourbon called it "a corner of paradise" just to give you an idea!
And so, one more last run, before we go back to London, for my feet and my soul to store and remember, for soul sustenance. 
Also, I know myself, I’m a bit of a tortoise in many respects (to do with the of the workings of the mind!), when it comes to change and endings and new beginnings, of which we have a lot right now. While I relish the adventure and look forward to the story, regards the future, I also need to make sure I keep grounded and devote time to pondering and mulling and just generally playing with Lego in my brain.. Running of course, as we know, does the trick! (and drawing and making, but for now and for this story my hands and my feet choose running!) 

And of course, given the time of year, this means that lately I have been thinking quite a lot (as you do) about my ideas of how I'd like the colours and shapes of 2014 to be, or at least start off, before it gets too much of a mind of it's own. I don’t know if anything could ever be quite as extraordinarily as 2013, but you never know! And for sure I think 2014 will be extraordinary too, in it’s own way. Everything to do with Babacino and Mauri, I have come to realise, is extraordinary! 

(To explain about the endings and beginnings thing: Soon our family goes back to London and I return to work, after a wonderful 6 months of maternity leave, most of which we've spent here in Sicily. Part of this has been the amazing gift of having Babacino’s Papi with us all of this time! I feel as if I am saying goodbye to this most remarkable time of my life, with all sorts of feelings and emotions, and in truth, with some sadness. But I also know that there are wonderful times ahead too, and no doubt in a week or two we’ll be fully into the next exciting chapter. 
But for now, perhaps this little story [and my series of 'last runs on this island' - for now] is just one of my rituals in saying goodbye to this time of Babacino’s first 6 months of his life, and hoping that we have done a good job in being his parents and helping him develop in the best way we can)

Back to how I’d like to envisage 2014! 
In grown-up speak, I suppose these ideas I’m playing with, (which hopefully will somehow emerge more coherently by the time I have finished writing this!) might also constitute 'New Years Resolutions'. 
In the first instance, this has been proving quite interesting for me, because normally when it comes to the end of a year, and preparing for a new fresh one, I would start off by scouring the net for all the new races I would like to run, where ever they may be, venturing towards longer distances, or higher mountains, or more remote destinations. Then, I would fit my life and my work holidays around that, and at the same time and in between, indulging in creating and making and colours, and they'd all be linked and it would be wonderful, but, it would be me, mostly, pretty much a solo entity. At least that is how I have made my life, for quite some time. (even though I come from a family of 6 kids!)
Now, I have a family again, I have Mauri and we have Babacino. Wow, a family, who I love and who make me feel more grounded and more human and more connected and more excited, and where I feel I belong! … but more later. 

This whole concept of ‘New Years Resolutions’ and plans and goals becomes different: it’s softer, with more fuzzy edges, and less of a defined list. Perhaps there is lots more room for wandering and exploring and a whole new space for deciding and exploring things together. 
I remember some months ago, when Babacino was still a Beetle, Mauri and I were nibbling and munching on the idea and the image of “The Axiom of Maria Prophetissa”, which is this:
“One becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the one as the fourth” and this loops back on itself repeating the process again and again, becoming richer and richer. Essentially the axiom is a precept in alchemy, which I think is how we should aim for life to be, so that we give ourselves a chance to live more fully and more creatively and to feel more deeply. This way, hopefully we choose the paths that are as true to our soul as we can get and we live life and hopefully contribute too, more fully. 
Jung actually used the Axiom of Maria as a metaphor for the whole process of individuation. ‘One’ is the original state of unconscious wholeness; ’ two’ signifies the conflict between opposites;’ three’ points to a potential resolution; the third is the transcendent function; and the one as the ‘fourth’ is a transformed state of consciousness, relatively whole and at peace. 

You can think about this for ages and ages, like a little puzzle in the picture and ideas part of your brain. In fact, here is a wonderful blog post which explains it far better than I can and gives lots of food for the soul http://www.laranewton.com/my-first-blog-post/ 
I like to think of our family of 3,which it’s always been, and then with the arrival on earth of Babacino, we get the 4th! So something intangible and magical enters the space of all of our lives. And I am reminded that this magic of the Axiom and of Alchemy are both synonymous with synchronicity in some ways, another thing Mauri and I spoke about and enjoy to play with. I think it’s all about noticing the patterns and seeing what the eye can’t see. It’s like circles or waves, coming and going back and forth in different guises. We can never see them all, and some of them just tick along in the background doing ‘work’ for us, and when we are ready, we see them. We hope! Time for a Little Prince Quote I think: (The little Prince is another little family landmark in the territory of books and stories and pages, but that’s for another day…)

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” 
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

To take this to an even more radical stance, which is always fun or at the very least a valuable excercise.. delving into both the light and the shadows, I have another few little ideas to float.. If we consider this magic of the Axiom, and Alchemy and then we think about what James Hillman talks about in his book ‘The Souls Code’ where he introduces the ‘Acorn Theory’. This is a myth really and he explains it in this way. In conjunction with this myth, he talks about each person being born with a “Daimon”. This is an ancient Greek word, which supercedes the word ‘demon’ and is synonomous with the Roman word ‘genius’, and the Christian word ‘guardian angel’. They are all a little bit different, yet each expresses something that you are, that you have, that is not the same as the personality you think you are.

Hilman says that ” the daimon motivates. It protects. It invents and persists with stubborn fidelity. It resists compromising reasonableness and often forces deviance and oddity upon its keeper, especially when neglected or opposed. It offers comfort and can pull you into its shell, but it cannot abide innocence. It can make the body ill. It is out of step with time, finding all sorts of faults, gaps, and knots in the flow of life - and it prefers them. It has affinities with myth, since it is itself a mythical being and thinks in mythical patterns.”

So you can see why it’s important to look at both the shadows and the light in our living. Each holds gravity and has it’s gifts.
"The “Acorn Myth” says that the roots of the soul (which is intrinsically linked to or IS the “Daimon”) are in the heavens, and the human grows downward into life. A little child enters the world as a stranger, and brings a special gift into the world. The task of life is to grow down into this world….Of course, parents have a strong role. The myth itself says that the soul chose your particular parents, and so they are part of your destiny, ... But that's not the be-all and end-all of existence. .. The story of the acorn is that you have your own destiny, and that your parents' tasks are to provide a place in the world where you can grow down into life and to help make it easier for you to carry the destiny you have, which as a child is hard to carry."
So Hillman is proposing that our calling in life is inborn and that it's our mission in life to realize its imperatives. This "Acorn Theory" — is the idea that our lives are formed by a particular image, just as the oak's destiny is contained in the tiny acorn.

I like playing with all of these images and myths, particularly now that we are 3, Babacino me and Mauri. I think the Acorn myth is such a creative way to look at life and our ‘roles’ so to speak on this planet and in the greater existence of humankind. It is a comforting feeling to know or believe that there is some greater power working for the better good of us and all people, if we choose to believe in it and pay it heed. Of course there are many more of these very delicious ideas and myths and stories, we discover them when ever we are open to them, and they tend to land when we most need them! At least that has been my experience, when I have been listening to my ‘daimon’!

And so, after all of that perhaps it makes it easier to understand how the universe can actually totally turn our world around on it's axis, and present us with something utterly of another place, so far out of the realms of even our imagination, and yet it can happen. For me I guess I can say, It HAS happened. I think I can probably say the same for Mauri. Think Terry Pratchet Disk World type turnaround! Ok, I have played a role and made some decisions and actually taken steps along the road, but it feels to me, as if the universe has given me a surfboard and a big wave and said: GO, RIDE!
(ps - perfect for a run to Mondello, wouldn't you say?? Synchronicity strikes again!!)

About the photos, these are, of course, pictures from my run today. I included one or two of things that are part of our life with Babacino here in Palermo, in case they seem out of place in the run to Mondello Beach. They are places - of types - that have become little landmarks of our life here, at this time, and now they are sort of visual symbols of happy memories being made. As usual I explain these next to the pictures. And then right at the end are some other pictures not from the Mondello run, just from our days of playing of late!!

Ok, finally, I get to the ‘NEW New Years Resolutions’ of the more traditional type! Here goes, this is some of how I would like 2014 to look, for me, in the context of our little family and our life. Sorry if they seem a bit corny but sometimes corny is good! (I’m copying them from my phone where I wrote them before New Years Eve, so they are real McCoy!) This does not include some of the more practical life living matters! Nor does it include running, that is coming later, never fear

• Be settled and grounded as a family where ever we may be (Me Babacino and Mauri)
• Always talk about our values, our directions, our wishes – the together ones and the individual ones, because they all make up the whole
• Consciously decide each day how I want to live my life (for me and Mauri and Babacino)
• Be excited, be courageous, take risks, be connected, be empathic, choose my paths
• Play and be creative at least a little every day
• Skype my family around the world at least every now and again
• Be the best mummy I can be for Babacino (attuned, attentive, listening, serious, fun, gentle, guiding, patient, allowing, encouraging, and being a constant secure base, with Mauri, for Babacino to explore and grow from)
And those are those! For trying my best!

Ok, running, yes, I need to add my running goals, these I am just writing intuitively without any real research, and also I havent given it a great deal of thought really, partly because a lot is in flux. And of course partly because I need to keep them flexible for Babacino, who always comes first. AND I need to chat to Mauri!
In no particular order:
• I would love to run the Mount Etna trail in August, the 64km one, but if that is not possible, then I would be still very happy to run the 24km one.
• I cant wait to run with Babacino in the Baby Jogger in London, but only if he likes it!
• To keep exploring and learning from running, no matter what the distance is or where it is
• To enjoy running and keep challenging myself, being open to new and different ideas and experiences, especially now that my ultra running needs to take a back seat, rightly so.
• Before Babacino turns a year old, I would like to run a trail marathon, just for fun
• I would love to run through the finish of a race, with Babacino, if the right race presents itself.
• To run in the mountains and in trees and nature, at least sometimes!
• For me and Babacino, but also on behalf of Mauri, that we can continue to go to some more lovely racing jaunts for Mauri to do his magic with photography, running stories, and linking up with all our lovely Sicilian running buddies!

Ok and that’s that for now. 
"My Sunday Run to Mondello Beach, and NEW New Years Resolutions." 
I hope it makes some sense, I think maybe I've tried to include too many ideas and so they are a bit rough and perhaps not quite formed enough, but there we go, maybe there are some clues to explore, certainly for me, it works that way when it comes to things being a bit all over the place!
As it turns out, it wasn't a lot about my run, but, for sure the run must have written a lot of this! And as usual, and with gratitude and love, my ending must be to thank Mauri and Babacino for being so kind as to read and play and wonder so patiently while I go running and writing stories!

(Quite a lot of the James Hillman stuff is quotes, which I got off the internet, but I cant remember where, so just to say, in case it looks as if my vocabulary has tripled over night)

Note to myself in public to write about my thinking and ramblings about what I thought it would be like to be a mummy, before Babacino was born, compared to what it is like! (although, one is still very much a mummy for the whole 9 months of carrying but its a different kind of mummy-ness) There wasn't time or space to put that into the NEW New Years Resolutions and really it is very linked. Next time!

Here is the link to the FB photo album, which has little explanations next to the pictures and of course is what this blog is about sort of!
Mondello Run FB Album

But just in case here are a few little pictures from the Album, just for the non FBers

On my way, one of my favourite local streets, you'd think it was still summer, its so green and there are even flowers!

This is the church where Mauri and Tata go for Mass once a month, where they remember people the people in their lives who they've loved and cherished and who have passed away. The actual church is being renovated and so the Mass is held in the hall next door, see the next picture

In Italy, (the Catholic) Mass happens every day, sometimes even more than once a day! In the summer time, me and Babacino played outside when Mauri and Tata go to the Mass, because we like to go along too, but we make too much noise when all the grownups are trying to concentrate! so we play on the steps outside. But in winter its a bit cold!

Here are the pillars again. During the week, there is a lot of traffic, so you have to be careful. I often run up this little road in the mornings to get to the mountain, or to run in the Riserva Naturale orientata Monte Pellegrino

Some stairs in the park that I often run up just for fun! They look quite majestic in real life. I am sure they were intended for something rather important when they were built, or perhaps they are just a sort of a symbol for ' A Stairway to Pellegrino and Saint Rosalia,

I often run past these, I think they are meant to be for bees, but I have never seen anyone actually go and do anything with them, but something does get done, that's for sure. It's a mystery

This is part of a goat farm, and this must be their house. If you go too near the goats or stand there too long, the dogs bark like crazy, protecting the goats I presume!

Who would ever have thought that you could put your feet in the sea on the 6th of January, without living in the Southern Hemisphere!

In the distance you can see the little harbour town, where we sometimes go for a walk and some coffee, with Tata and Raul and Frida.

And now its time to head back home, interesting how different things look from the opposite side!

Every where you look in Palermo, and Sicily you will see immense beautiful mountain ranges and most of the time blue blue sky. Sometimes it's nice to see the city with some clouds, it and different light, it makes it feel altogether like a different city in a way!

Proof that we do get autumn in Palermo , even if 'winter' is debatable, there is definitely autumn!

This is the shop where we get all Babacino's gear - eating and wearing and playing! The shop is on both sides of the road, this is just one side.

Home!! There is Frida!!  The End!

And now for a few non-running ones ...

Mauri and Babacino working!

Our recent acquisition of the soundtrack to the film - to be released 'Long walk to Freedom' which is based on Mandela's autobiography. It doesn't have Morgan Freeman acting as Mandela this time. That was the other film about the world cup rugby in 1995

Me and Munka Punka Babacino being South African! (probably laughing at something Mauri is saying!)

The Dudes!

Me and my monkey, I love my monkey!

Until next time... ciao!!

January 1, 2014

My New Years Day Run, and other thoughts and happenings of the Scricciolo family!

Running on Capodanno, and about Mauri and our Scricciolo

The (above) link goes to FB where there are all the pictures and writing next to the pictures too, and those link into the introduction writing, which is this:

Il Capodanno di Corsa. This is my new years day run, a very important run in the calender of peace and grounded-ness of the mind. 
And, because we can always learn something from every time we run, then, a new years day run is a good place to start, full of good omens to discover, for the coming year (and for life sometimes!) ! 

So, it started off a bit rainy and was sunny by the time I got home. The route was was a choice between my favourite run of running up the old pilgrim road of Mont Pellegrino and seeing the city from above, or adventuring into the city to see it in it's unfolding new skin. I chose the second, which is what Mauri suggested. I thought, because this is Mauri's city and me and Babacino have loved being here these last few months, then it would be apt, and a pleasure, to run through the quiet streets of this beautiful ancient city. And the thing is, that soon we need to go back to London, so these pictures can be little reminders of Palermo! Luckily Mauri is coming with us to London, and that's the most important thing really, for our little family to be together as much as we can, no matter where it is.
And, talking about good omens, there are also some pictures of Babacino sleeping. Babacino turned 6 months a few days ago, and as it happens right at this time, he is finally starting to actually sleep in the day time. It is good,for him, so that he has energy for playing! I am happy that our approach of taking queue's from Babacino has paid off (rather than trying to impose sleep routines (etc) on such a tiny little scricciolo!) Also we decided not to do the thing of letting him cry himself to sleep or 'cry it out'. We always always pick him up if he is crying. And so, I do think he is learning that he can depend on us and be secure in his felt knowledge of this, because we will always be there for him. In his own time, he will become independent, slowly but surely. Each day is a little unfolding mystery when you are with a little tiny growing growing person! 

So, here we are with a little scriciolo of 6 months and 4 days, who has had his first Natale (Christmas) and his first Capdanno (New Years). He's been hanging out in London, Sicilia and South Africa, where he met his South African cousins and his granny!, he's been a photo journalist at LOTS of races, and met lots of runners, he's played on the beach in the sand, he's been up lots of different mountains, he's been swimming, he's been to ancient temples, and up ancient pilgrim paths, he's been on the London Eye at 8 weeks!, he's met his big brother and they are becoming best buddies!, he's had lots of family feasts with yummy Sicilian specialties, and lots of family supper and lunch times at Tata's (Salvatore Crispi)! and lots and lot of family jaunts, especially around Sicily, seeing Etna and Palazzo Adriano, where 'Cinema Paradiso' was made and where Mauri's family came from 100's of years ago when they arrived from Albania.

I definitely think, that 2013 has been the best year of my life so far, thanks to my two favourite boys Mauri and Babacino, and here's to some more! ROCK AND ROLL 2014!! Lets see where our feet will take us!

And, as a little addition to my running pictures, here are a few from last week's little family jaunt to the beach! (after the 10km run of fun!)