19 October
Since the last Running Diary Update, a lot has happened –
journeys, more running, watching running in the Alps + more! And Babacino has
become a lot more curious, a lot more chunky and even cuter!
He loves to eat his hands, often both at the same time, even
trying to include his blanket in the eating process! I think he is partly
exploring sensations, what his hands are all about (as can be deduced by the
fact that he likes to put his fingers down his throat sometimes and then gets a
fright when he half chokes!), taste etc. Also he is teething.
We ran into an old university colleague of Mauri’s who is a surgeon he straight away showed us that Babacino has teeth trying to poke through (already!). Babacino also likes to eat Mauri’s fingers.
We ran into an old university colleague of Mauri’s who is a surgeon he straight away showed us that Babacino has teeth trying to poke through (already!). Babacino also likes to eat Mauri’s fingers.
Yesterday we went for his Pediatrician check up and in about 3
weeks he has grown 1kg and about 6cm in length! He’s starting to get real
little chubby baby-ness all over him.
In the last 2 days we’ve started trying to get a routine or
system to his feeding, which the pediatrician recommended especially to
prepare for my return to work (blahhhhh), so we are now doing 4 hourly feeds (
at least we are trying!) and we’ve started giving Babacino little sips of water
from a bottle and little tastes of fruit puree (Hipp) between feeds. So far
he’s tried aplie and I think he likes it!
I've now tried expressing, eventually, and haven't had much luck.
I think its because of my own resistance. I really do need to try and make it
work to avoid the formula thing if I can.
So far the day is working ok with the feeds in this routine but
night time seems another story, but it’s early days. I keep saying to Mauri
that I hope we aren't being cruel by holding back food when he’s hungry.
Fortunately we both agree that we won’t be utterly dictatorial about it, if
he’s really upset , then of course I’ll feed him. But now we also have other
tools to try.
I actually feel quite relieved. I was quite anxious, partly
about the idea of the start of ‘separation’ from Babacino – but in fact, I fee
fine about it now that we've started. I think the gradual approach, with
flexibility helps. I was also worried that Gabriel wouldn't take to a bottle
(given that his reaction to a dummy so far as been – what the heck is this
strange thing? And promptly spits it out). But in fact he seems to know what to
do with it, sort of, I hope!
Mauri is totally understanding and supportive, asking all the
questions and queries I have to the Pediatrician and then translating back for
me. And today, Mauri reminded me, that
we are a team! That felt nice, and I feel so lucky that I have Mauri , and
Babacino has the best Papi in the world J
The other bonus about the 4 hour feeds is that I can hopefully
run the Palermo Half Marathon in November, if all is well on the day, and maybe
get some longer runs in.
Actually lately I have got in some slightly longer runs of around 6-8kms which has been great.
Actually lately I have got in some slightly longer runs of around 6-8kms which has been great.
I did run 12.5kms the one day, at Altavilla. In fact the day
after the last blog entry of 8th October, but it was certainly not planned to
be that long! I felt really bad about it for quite a while and it definitely
made me want to do ‘something’ about me being the sole feeding option for
I had been out for a run at Altavilla, and somehow on my way back, I couldn't find / remember the right turn off, and landed up getting back after 1 hour and 15 minutes! I never took my phone iether so I couldn't ring Mauri and he couldn't ring me, so it was rather stressful all round!
I had been out for a run at Altavilla, and somehow on my way back, I couldn't find / remember the right turn off, and landed up getting back after 1 hour and 15 minutes! I never took my phone iether so I couldn't ring Mauri and he couldn't ring me, so it was rather stressful all round!
Babacino was quite frantic I think, and Mauri had nothing at all
to give him. He needed me to be there. He was almost going to phone cousen Aldo
to help!
In hind site and now that we have more knowledge, I think Babacino would probably have been ok for a couple of hours, really, because I had fed him not long before running. But at the time, , all I knew and believed in about feeding was ‘on demand feeding’ which I still strongly believe in. I had no idea that an almost 4 month old baby could actually survive quite a few hours relatively ok, without a feed, and this would not constitute neglect or cruelty.
But it was not a nice experience, especially for Mauri as he was totally un-empowered to do anything in that situation. But now we are all together in a much better place with more knowledge and tools. And for me, a tad more confidence too!
In hind site and now that we have more knowledge, I think Babacino would probably have been ok for a couple of hours, really, because I had fed him not long before running. But at the time, , all I knew and believed in about feeding was ‘on demand feeding’ which I still strongly believe in. I had no idea that an almost 4 month old baby could actually survive quite a few hours relatively ok, without a feed, and this would not constitute neglect or cruelty.
But it was not a nice experience, especially for Mauri as he was totally un-empowered to do anything in that situation. But now we are all together in a much better place with more knowledge and tools. And for me, a tad more confidence too!
I don’t really have space or time to write now about our
wonderful journey to the Alps, but I will include Mauri’s photo album so that
you can see a bit from there.
The one thing I will mention which I loved, was the visit to the
Sacra Monte (Sacred Mountain) of St Francis of Assisi (Gabriel’s namesake).
It’s actually called ‘Sacra Monte of Orta’ because it’s next to Lake Orta, a
wonderful natural lake not that far from Milan.
Here is a link to explain the place, but, to say in one or two words, this little trip was one of the most thoughtful ideas from Mauri. A place to take Gabriel, and as a family. Even though he won’t remember it (consciously) he’ll see the pictures and we’ll tell him about it and when he’s bigger we can go again!
Here is a link to explain the place, but, to say in one or two words, this little trip was one of the most thoughtful ideas from Mauri. A place to take Gabriel, and as a family. Even though he won’t remember it (consciously) he’ll see the pictures and we’ll tell him about it and when he’s bigger we can go again!
It’s a place where really you need to spend quite a lot of time
to fully appreciate, if it is even possible to ‘fully’ appreciate. I like the
journey aspect of it. There are 13 separate temples that you visit, in order,
and each one has a wonderful life size scene of figures (sculpted). Each scene
tells a story of the life of St Francis It’s amazing to see the scenes in this
way rather than say a 2D painting. Even
a film would not hold the same power, as these figures were hundreds of years
old in some cases.
Although there are may SACRO MONTE’s in Italy, this particular
one dates back to the medieval pilgrims in the 12th and 13th Centuries and
today it has been declared a world heritage site by UNESCO. It was a really
special time for all of us, I think.
I could write more but saving for another time... I am missing Babacino and Mauri!
I could write more but saving for another time... I am missing Babacino and Mauri!
sleeping Babacino in winter PJs at one of the hotels
actually sitting in the car seat (for a short while!) in the hat made by Granny in Joburg!
First time wearing his little blue sleeping bag suit - and matching the painting!
with Papi the photographer, Babacino is finally bigger than the camera!
Lovely Mauri in his office!
me and Babacino going walking in the sling, perfect for this new experience of weird cold weather
This is me!
ahhh cute Babacino he lives being with Papi in his big arms and hands!
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