October 20, 2013

Running Diary (and other things) update 8th October 2013

Today is Tuesday the 8th of October, 2 days after Babacino’s baptism at The Church of Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio.
Running has been continuing in one form or another, though we haven’t quite reached the 10km mark yet! I hope to be able to run the Palermo Half Marathon on the 17th of November, but it all depends on how Babacino is on the day and if I can actually manage to try and start expressing some milk so that Babacino can eat while I’m running, but of course I also need to test and practice before, with Mauri helping too, most important.
I have mixed feelings about this next phase with Babacino. Part of me knows I need to start expressing ,for a few reasons – to include Mauri in this lovely part of caring for Babacino, in preparation for returning to work, and as a by product, it would be lovely to do some longer runs, which definitely needs me to leave food for Babacino. And, I don't want to start using formula. I’d rather go from expressed milk to solids, early next year when he is +6 months.
The mixed feeling bit is that at the moment feeding Babacino gives us such a lovely close bond and I feel a bit sad or a little feeling of loss to start separating from Babacino a bit, which is what this plan feels like at the moment.   I NEED TO JUST START AND TRY
Since the last running update, I have been venturing away from Villa Sperlinga a bit and running around the city exploring. The only downside is all the crossing of roads during rush-hour!
I need to find a route that maybe goes around the edge or something like that, but all in good time..
The most I have run so far,  is 7.78km which was at the seafront near the harbour on Saturday, so no road crossings! Babacino loved that day being in the fresh sea air. Afterwards we went to try and deliver the confetti for Babacino’s Baptism, the next day ,to the Garibaldi bar, where the drinks would be afterwards. Unfortunately, it was closed but we did go to a great little place where Mauri’s dad used to go as a student where we had a ‘Paneca Meusa’ which is a sandwich made with spleen of sheep and other sheep innards ! along with Ricotta and another type of cheese. We just had the cheese and the gravy and gave the spleen stuff a miss!
Tomorrow we are going to Altavilla for the day and I hope I can run down the hill and back up! (or close)

I’ve started using my Garmin now, so I can see how far I’ve run. I forgot to bring the little USB stick from London, so I cant download the maps of where I’ve been, but at least I can record distances, and pace. Although, I’m not too bothered about pace, really. I am just running for fun!
Mauri is doing quite a lot of running type things with Babacino, who likes to do air running when being carried in a certain way.
I want to say something about the Baptism but I will do that another time, it is stil settling into my heart and my bones at the moment, but for now, here is Mauri’s blog about the day:
Babacino is making lots of different sounds these days and he definitely hasn’t slowed down in growing!

I am also really trying to learn Italian. Mauri is helping but I’m also trying to use the dictionary a lot to read stories as a way of learning. I also have a book on verbs arriving in the post from Amazon UK soon!

Here are some pictures from the Baptism
Little Babacino taking his bath! I felt so proud of him and i cried to see our little boy doing his first little thing in life not actually physically right next to one of us.

Babacino in his little outfit in the car on the way to the church, so cute! he looks like he's going to his first day of school!

Babacino getting ready for his Baptismal bath, being held by his God Mother: Nona Nica and with Franci, his awesome big brother AND God Father watching on and helping

Here he is crying a bit, with another little Italian boy a tiny bit older than him. He is crying, as he is very hungry as the whole procedure is quite long!

 And here is the whole family, Franci, Nona Nica, Tata Mauri and me, and of course BABACINO!

 Here is one of us waiting, Papi is doing his special calming technique with Babacino, and making sure he doesn't get the white stuff on his jacket!

 And here is out little family, about to be even more joined together xx xx xx xxx

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